Writing Through Parenthood: How Do You Do It??

It’s the New Year, which usually means new writing goals—goals that are easy to set, but harder to follow through on. We know just how challenging it can be to find time and space to focus on your writing, so this year, we’re introducing a new class—just for parents! Check out this interview with our fabulous fiction instructor Diana Fenves as she discusses the new class, tips, and what she wished she’d known before becoming a parent…

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All the resources, from all of the places, all at once

All the resources, from all of the places, all at once

Are people still doing pun titles on Everything, Everywhere, All at Once? (Great movie, btw.) Well, despite our cultural dawdling, we promise that these are helpful resources for submitting your work, learning about craft, reading more widely, and meeting your writing goals. Whether you’re a beginning writer or more experienced one, there’s something for everyone! To the resources then!

What are some good articles on submitting my work?

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Top 10 Reasons You Should Take Eclectic Inspiration with Arshia

Why should you take Eclectic Inspiration: Six Flash Pieces in Six Weeks? Here are ten great reasons!

1) It’s fun! The challenge of creating a compelling narrative in such a short space is quite engaging.

2) You will produce a lot! After all, it’s six pieces in six weeks! …

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Bookstores of the Triangle Part 9: Rofhiwa Book Cafe

We’ve been remiss about our Bookstores of the Triangle adventures of late, what with all the excitement about teaching in person and the Coppice Prize and all that good stuff, but yesterday, we found time to visit a brand-new bookstore in Durham: Rofhiwa Book Cafe on Driver Street in Old East Durham.

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Bookstores of the Triangle Part 8: Golden Fig Books

You might know the strip of shops and restaurants along 15 in Durham for bakery and beer garden Guglhupf and for gourmet food mainstay Foster’s Market. But if you don’t know it for bookstore Golden Fig—you should rectify that!

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Bookstores of the Triangle Part 7: Nice Price Books & Records

Nice Price Books & Records is one of those shops on Hillsborough Street that recalls a time when, we’ve heard, this artery was all punk coffeeshops and indie businesses, rather than…what it is now. Nice Price is a used record, CD, and bookshop located in the same block as Cup A Joe.

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Bookstores of the Triangle Pt 4: Reader's Corner

Reader’s Corner is a used bookstore, selling cheap books from its outside shelves and slightly more expensive, high-quality tomes inside. It’s not a store to go to if you absolutely know you must have the latest hardcover that came out last week; however, they somehow, miraculously, often stock beautiful, like-new copies of new releases from the last five to ten years.

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Bookstores of the Triangle Pt 2: Epilogue Books Chocolate Brews

Epilogue, located on bustling Franklin Street in Chapel Hill, is a gathering place for locals and students alike. Its waffles and Mexican sweets are delicious, its drinks innovative (Emily doesn’t usually like artisanal coffee drinks, but their dulce jalapeño syrup? Chef’s kiss!), its books both new and old well-curated and socially conscious.

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