Donate today to support access to creative writing in your community


At Redbud, we are committed to offering classes to a wide variety of Triangle residents from a panoply of different racial and economic backgrounds.

Students from all backgrounds deserve to hear that their voices matter and that they have the right to tell their stories and explore their imagination. They also deserve access to the craft-based instruction, care, feedback, and writerly community necessary to tell those stories. And when more different kinds of stories and writers are elevated, we all benefit.

Since our founding in 2019, we’ve given out more than $20,000 in scholarships to allow those who could not otherwise afford to attend access to our classes and we’ve taught dozens of classes for marginalized communities, including survivors of domestic violence, unhoused folks, low-income senior citizens, and BIPOC writers. (Learn more about our scholarship program here and our community classes here. )

These scholarship programs and community classes are funded through grants, local businesses who care about the arts, and through generous donations such as yours. For 2025, we have a $5000 shortfall to fund scholarships for our year-long and six-month long classes. These long-term classes are often out of reach for low-income, racially diverse, marginalized, and vulnerable populations. Help us support these students as they gain the skills to tell their unique stories.

When you donate, you will be helping someone access the cathartic, transformative tools of creative writing.

Donate directly to Redbud using the button below. (This donation is not tax-deductible but allows Redbud to receive the donation without fiscal sponsor fees.)

Donate directly to redbud

Or make your tax-free donation through our fiscal sponsor, VAE Raleigh, today!