Nonfiction Intensive (Year 2)(Full amount)

Nonfiction Intensive (Year 2)(Full amount)

from $999.00


True price: $1572

Base price: $999

Note: The “true price” reflects the true cost of the class, which includes paying a fair wage to our staff and instructors, rental fees for the Redbud headquarters and for the community spaces where we host our classes, website and administrative/commerce fees, outreach and advertising to spread the word about our offerings, and the coordination and administration for our community classes, which serve people who could not otherwise access creative writing. The “base price” is the subsidized price. Please select the price that works best for you.

We will offer one scholarship to allow a student to participate in the course tuition-free. If you would like to donate to that scholarship fund to help your classmate, you can chose this option from the drop down menu. (If we receive funds in excess of what is needed for this scholarship, they will be allocated to our general scholarship fund, which allows students who cannot otherwise afford to attend to take our six-week classes.)

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